Meeting Minutes for November 2017

November 14, 2017
Attending: Clint Dalton, Aaron Lopez, Jordan Lee, Paul Beard and Jim Nebeker
Absent: Ron Steed, Lyle Page
1.Review/approval of minutes from the prior meeting. Minutes from previous meeting were posted and approved.
2. Review of financial statements/cash flows.
2018 Budget was reviewed and approved unanimously.
HOA Fee Coupon books will be sent to residents by the end of November
3. Accounts receivable discussion: Accounts Receivable were reviewed. No Concerns
Board Reports:
Landscaping – HOA Board to call CMI if there are any concerns with snow removal such as timeliness, salting of walkways, etc.
HOA proposed planting box hedges above cement block retaining walls. Hedges would be in grassy area between units. HOA will need proposal for irrigation of box hedges.
A request was made to develop a landscaping plan by February, 2018.
Painting – No concerns at this time.
Decks – Deck repair and staining completed.
Roofs and siding – CMI will conduct Reserve Study to assess costs of replacing roofs in comparison with reserves in account..
Architecture – Ron Steed and Paul Beard requested mortar repair (Pointing) on bricks on backside of unit located at 14064 Pepi Band Road. (Discussion about repairs to all units that require work)
Walks and Streets: No Concerns at this time.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 9th 2018 at 6:00pm. Location: 14058 Pepi Band Road